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Tooth Extraction Rochester NY

Dental tools for tooth extractionDeciding on when and how to get a tooth extracted can be difficult to process, especially if you are unsure how the procedure will go. When you come to Rochester Periodontal and Dental Implants for your dental procedures, however, we keep you informed about every step in the process. Getting a tooth extracted is a commonly performed procedure that may be needed for a variety of reasons.

What to Expect When Extracting

While there are several reasons why you may be getting a tooth extracted, how the dentist goes about doing it will likely fall under one of two procedural types.

The first type is what is called a simple extraction. This procedure type is typically used when the tooth is already fully grown past the gum line and can be manipulated without having to make extensive incisions into the gum line.

Before the procedure begins, the dentist will apply a local anesthetic to ensure you are fully numb on the side of the mouth where the tooth will be extracted. If you have additional concerns beyond pain management, such as anxiety, be sure to discuss it with the dentist ahead of time so that additional medication can be prescribed.

Once you are numb, the simple extraction process is rather basic. We will utilize specialized tools to hold and manipulate the tooth until it is loose enough to be removed. You should not be feeling any pain during this process. If you do, let the dentist know right away.

If the tooth that needs to be extracted is fully or partially located underneath the gums, or it has been broken to the point that it cannot be gripped, then a surgical extraction is needed. Once again, before the procedure begins, different pain management options will be discussed. Regardless of what you choose, do not be shy about letting us know if you are fully numb or not before work begins.

During a surgical tooth extraction, an incision will be made in your gums in order to gain better access to the tooth. After the incision work is complete, the tooth will be maneuvered until it comes loose and can be extracted.

After the Extraction

Regardless of what type of extraction procedure was used, we will have a detailed aftercare plan that you must follow. It will typically include instructions on how to manage any bleeding immediately after the procedure, directions on what painkillers and antibiotics you may need to take, and a special cleaning plan that will be in effect for 24-48 hours.

After getting a tooth extracted, it is important to get rest, avoid smoking or using any type of tobacco products, and only eat soft foods until your dentist says it’s okay to switch back to your normal diet. It is also important to keep a close eye out for any signs of infection around the extraction site. These signs can include discoloration, continued bleeding or other fluid discharge, and persistent pain.

At Rochester Periodontal and Dental Implants we know how to make you feel as comfortable as possible when you are going through a tooth extraction procedure. Whether you are dealing with a badly decayed or damaged tooth, planning a scheduled extraction of wisdom teeth, or if you need a tooth extracted to make room for orthodontic work, contact us at (585) 651-3194 today to schedule a consultation with our team.
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Rochester Periodontal & Dental Implants

Dr. Oren Weiss
900 Westfall Road, Suite B Rochester, NY 14618-2635

(585) 651-3194


Mon: 8:00am-5:00pm
Tues: 8:00am-5:00pm
Wed: 8:00am-5:00pm
Thur: 8:00am-5:00pm
Fri: Closed
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

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Rochester Periodontal and Dental Implants, 900 Westfall Road, Suite B, Rochester, New York 14618-2635 | (585) 651-3194 | | 9/9/2024 | Page Phrases: Dental Implants Rochester NY |